Using customized financial models, thorough research of our client’s operational and capital needs, perspective gained from decades of interaction with the credit rating agencies, direct experience with public markets and direct lending through banks, we help our clients develop the road map for multi-year strategic financial planning through transaction execution and post-closing.
We focus on a phased approach to Strategic Financial Planning.

Phase 1
Capital Planning Process: We work with our clients to develop the right tools, including customized Pro-formas, Debt Portfolio and Debt Capacity Models to fully analyze and evaluate the timing and amounts of operational and capital needs.
Phase 2
Plan of Finance Development: Next, we work with our clients to develop short-term and long-term, multi-year Plan(s) of Finance for a project or group of projects, including determining the appropriate levels of debt and analyzing alternative capital funding sources.
Phase 3
Transaction Execution: In this phase, we coordinate with the broader working group to execute the financing(s) and work toward achieving the optimal results, taking pro-active roles in the due diligence process, document development and transaction logistics regardless of the method of financing.
Phase 4
Closing/Post-Closing: We coordinate with the entire working group to successfully bring the transaction to closure. After completing a transaction, we assist with the management of post-closing matters, both short- and long-term, including multiple activities that go well beyond the actual closing process and may eventually evolve or blend into subsequent long-term planning activities–coming full circle back to Phase 1.