Investing In Your Organization’s Success

February 2022

As a part of Davenport Asset Management’s Virtual Investor Summit Series, Scott Andrews-Weckerly and Beth Vann-Turnbull recently spoke over Zoom to discuss “Investing in Your Organization’s Success: Strategic Planning for Sustainability”.


January 2022 Market Update

A Department Update from John Ackerly

January 2022

Wow. Who Could Have Predicted 2021? Nobody! Read on for a department update from John Ackerly, Director of Davenport Asset Management.


Strategic Asset Allocation Committee Report

Winter 2021

The Winter 2021 report from our Strategic Asset Allocation Committee is now available. Read on for the Committee’s thoughts on inflation, interest rates, Fed policy, earnings expectations, and developments in China.


Intuit – A DEOPX Case Study

October 2021

In the Davenport Equity Opportunities Fund (DEOPX), we rely on our deep research process to uncover quality businesses with strong balance sheets. Read more as we highlight our experience with long standing holding, Intuit Inc. (INTU), which illustrates what happens when we get our research right.


ESG and the Davenport Asset Management Research Process

September 2021

Read on as Chris Pearson, SVP and Investment Policy Committee Member, breaks down the ESG movement and explains why we believe some ESG factors can be used to reduce risk in Davenport Asset Management strategies.


Highlighting Small and Mid-Cap

August 2021

The Davenport Small Cap Focus Fund (DSCPX) and the Davenport Equity Opportunities Fund (DEOPX) surpass benchmarks on a YTD basis as the “risk on” speculative trade fades and quality matters. Read on for our highlight on our small and mid-cap strategies.


July 2021 Market Update

Disclosure: The information contained herein has been compiled from sources believed to be reliable; however, there is no guarantee of its accuracy or completeness. The Russell 2000 Index measures the performance of the 2000 smallest companies in the Russell 3000 Index, which represents approximately 8% of the total market. The S&P 500 Index is comprised of 500 U.S. stocks and is an indicator of the performance of the overall U.S. stock market. An investor cannot invest in an index and index returns are not indicative of the performance of any specific investment. Past performance is not indicative of future results.