
Managing Director
Av has served the community as an Investment Executive since 1979. In 1987 he was asked to open the Charlottesville branch of Davenport & Company. He obtained his Bachelors degree from New York University, and his Masters and PhD from University of Virginia in History of Art and Architecture.
In 2012, his son David joined him to form the Posner Wealth Management partnership. As a team, they pride themselves on providing a high caliber of customer service and an investment platform that allows for personalization and flexibility.

Senior Vice President - Investments
David graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from Eugene Lang College the New School for Liberal Arts and then completed University of Virginia’s Mclntire Business Institute with honors.
After working as a writer at MTV, and selling luxury real estate in Manhattan for nearly a decade, David and his father Av formed the Posner Wealth Management partnership at Davenport & Company in 2012. Together they provide comprehensive wealth management solutions for individuals, families and companies in Charlottesville and across the United States.
In 2017, David was named Vice President of the Central Virginia Estate Planning Council, a regional division of the National Association of Estate Planners and Councils (NAEPC).