Public Finance in Tennessee

Beginning with a Comprehensive Financial Review, our work with Tennessee is an example of our full service financial advisory approach based on comprehensive analytics, strategic financial planning and proactive rating agency interaction.

Case Study: Nashville, Tennessee

Davenport conducted a Comprehensive Financial Review of Nashville’s multiple funds over the past several years and obtained an understanding of the Cash Flows throughout the fiscal year. We developed recommended changes to Reserve Policies and presented to the governing body. The updated Financial Policy Guidelines were adopted early CY 2023. In coordination with the Nashville Finance Team, Davenport developed an Operating and Capital Budgeting Model that allows the Staff to project various scenarios in Real Time.

Case Study: Kingsport, Tennessee

In coordination with Staff, Davenport developed a Capital Budget Model that allows the Staff to measure the potential impact of Capital Needs over the next 10+ Years, given the need for significant investment in infrastructure.

Public Finance Services

Davenport Public Finance assists our clients with a comprehensive range of services.

  • Strategic Financial Planning

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  • Transaction Services

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  • Investment Management

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  • Rating Agency Interaction

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  • Economic Development

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  • State Credits and Financing Programs

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  • Strategic Consulting Services

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Our Philosophy

Pro-Active · Holistic · Team Oriented · Fiduciary

We emphasize working with our clients at the beginning of the planning process through the use of comprehensive modeling and analytics.

Davenport has consistently ranked in the top 10 Financial Advisors in the nation for competitive transactions.*
*Source: Refinitiv, formerly Thomson Reuters.

Brief Overview

  • $97.1B+

    Financial Advisory volume since 1998
  • 3,900+

    Financial Advisory transactions since 1998
  • 500+

    Clients served
  • 30+

    Professional Team Members

Meet Our Team

Davenport's 30+ professionals have extensive experience and backgrounds that include bond law, senior credit rating analysts and accounting.

Davenport has consistently ranked in the top 10 Financial Advisors in the nation for competitive transactions.

Public Finance

With a commitment to helping our clients grow, we have developed one of the largest, regional public finance practices in the Mid-Atlantic/Southeast.*

*In terms of number of transactions and volume in MD, VA, NC, SC and GA. Source: Refinitiv, formerly Thomson Reuters.

Contact us

Get started today with a conversation with our public finance experts.